Editorial Independence
The handling Editor makes the final decision on each manuscript and we strongly ensuring that we keep the editorial decision without the interference of personal, political, or financial interests.
Ethical Considerations
The journals published by Pars biomedical followed the indications provided by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). The Journal also follows the guidelines mentioned in the Recommendations for the Conduct, Reporting, Editing, and Publication of Scholarly Work in Medical Journals issued by the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE).
Any form of plagiarism will not be tolerated. If the editorial team or reviewers detected serious evidence of plagiarism at any stage of the article process it can lead to the rejection of the article. But, if only content plagiarism with a modest rate (5-30% plagiarism) was detected, the author(s) may ask to revise their content.
The editorial team will consider retracting a publication if there is clear evidence of unreliable data or findings, plagiarism, redundancy, or duplicate publication.
Publish Policy
You will receive an email notification when your proof is ready for review in PDF. It is the author’s responsibility to check that all the text and data contained in the page proofs are correct and suitable for publication. We request that authors pay particular attention to the authors’ names and affiliations since no changes can be made after the publication. The proofs must be returned by the deadline to ensure that the journal can be published on time.
The corresponding author is responsible to confirm that all of the listed authors have read and approved the final version of the submitted manuscript. Also, the corresponding author should ensure that the listed authors have made a substantive contribution to the article. The authors’ contributions must be declared in the “Authors’ contributions” section. All contributors who did not meet the criteria for authorship should be listed in the “Acknowledgements” section.
Please note that authors do not permit changing the authorship after acceptance of a manuscript. Any change in authorship after initial submission must be provided by sending a letter to the editorial office describing celery the reason(s) for any alterations and signed confirmation of all authors. The editorial office may ask authors to confirm their responses directly via email.
Complaints and Appeals
If you disagree with a decision made by the Journals, the author may appeal the decision by providing an email to Editor with a detailed point-by-point response to the reviewer and editor’s comments. The Editor will review the peer review process undertaken for the submission. If the decision was made in line with editorial criteria, the Editor’s decision to reject is final. JCBR will acknowledge receipt of an email sent to admin@jcbior.com within 7 business days. Only one appeal is permitted for each manuscript. Final decisions on appeals will be made within 4-8 weeks by the Editorial Board Member handling the paper or the Editor-in-Chief.
In general, an appeal against a rejection decision on a manuscript will only be considered if:
(a) the authors can demonstrate that an error that determined the final decision has been made – by a reviewer or the Editors – during the review
(b) if important additional data can be provided
(c) if a convincing case of bias in the process can be demonstrated
Complaints about our processes or about publication ethics will in the first instance be handled by the Editor responsible for the journal. If the Editor is the subject of the complaint, please contact our Ethical Editor, kd388@yahoo.com.
The author will be notified of the outcome by email. If the author wishes to pursue their complaint further, they may contact COPE directly. Information can be found on the COPE website:
All sources of funding and the role of the sponsor(s) for the research should be declared under a separate heading entitled “Funding”.
Conflicts of interest
Authors must fully declare any existing or potential conflicts of interest of a financial, personal, or any other nature that could affect or bias their research.
Human and animals rights
All manuscripts concerning clinical investigations with humans or human materials must have been performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki and should include a statement confirming that all subjects or subject’s guardian provided written consent before participation after adequate explanation. Also, all studies must include a statement that the project was approved by the local Ethical Committee. Any reasons for waiving to obtain informed consent must be clearly declared.
All manuscripts reporting the results of experimental investigations involving animals are required to give an assurance statement that the animals were cared for in accordance with a standard guide to the care and use of experimental animals and must include a statement that their use of animals and experiments was reviewed and approved by the local Ethical Committee.
If the submitted article reports the results of a healthcare intervention on human participants (a clinical trial study), it is mandatory to have a registration number from a public trials registry that allows free online access to the public.
The Ethical Editors are responsible to ensure the availability of ethical requirements at any stage of publication.
Advertising Policies
Currently, the Journals published by Pars Biomedical Publisher did not accept commercial advertising for its periodicals, website, and other forms of communication.